Voici la mini maison idéale pour des vacances sur la Côte d'Azur
Beaucoup d'entre nous rêvent de vacances sur la côte d'Azur, et c'est naturel, tant la nature y est belle. Cette mini maison, le cabanon d'Isidore, a été construit dans le jardin d'une propriété non loin de la frontière italienne, et près de la Méditerranée, combinant les joies de la baignade en piscine et dans la mer. Son design quoique simple, est très raffiné, et permet de passer un séjour très confortable. Si comme moi, vous aimez lorsque vous êtes en vacances, être dans un endroit aussi joli que chez vous, mais avec un petit truc en plus, alors c'est vraiment la maison idéale que vous allez découvrir ici.
Here is the ideal mini house for a holiday on the French Riviera
Many of us dream of a holiday on the French Riviera, and it is natural, so beautiful is nature there. This mini house, le cabanon d'Isidore, was built in the garden of a property not far from the Italian border, and near the Mediterranean, combining the joys of swimming in the pool and the sea. Its design, although simple, is very refined, and allows you to have a very comfortable stay. If like me, you like when you are on holiday, being in a place as pretty as your home, but with a little something extra, then this is really the ideal house you will discover here.
Here is the ideal mini house for a holiday on the French Riviera
Many of us dream of a holiday on the French Riviera, and it is natural, so beautiful is nature there. This mini house, le cabanon d'Isidore, was built in the garden of a property not far from the Italian border, and near the Mediterranean, combining the joys of swimming in the pool and the sea. Its design, although simple, is very refined, and allows you to have a very comfortable stay. If like me, you like when you are on holiday, being in a place as pretty as your home, but with a little something extra, then this is really the ideal house you will discover here.