Ce studio de 28m2 a une parfaite décoration design noire et blanche et une estrade pour son coin nuit
Bien qu'il soit situé dans un immeuble suédois construit en 1938, ce studio est aménagé et décoré d'une façon design avec une alternance noire et blanche. Si les volumes anciens sont reconnaissables car ils ne sont pas aussi fonctionnels que dans un bâtiment moderne, l'aménagement bien pensé, et particulièrement l'installation du coin chambre sur une estrade, en font un lieu contemporain et lumineux.
This 28m2 studio has a perfect black and white design decoration and a podium for its sleeping area.
Although it is located in a Swedish building built in 1938, this studio is furnished and decorated in a design style with a black and white alternation. If the old volumes are recognizable because they are not as functional as in a modern building, the well thought-out layout, and particularly the installation of the sleeping area on a podium, make it a contemporary and bright place.

This 28m2 studio has a perfect black and white design decoration and a podium for its sleeping area.
Although it is located in a Swedish building built in 1938, this studio is furnished and decorated in a design style with a black and white alternation. If the old volumes are recognizable because they are not as functional as in a modern building, the well thought-out layout, and particularly the installation of the sleeping area on a podium, make it a contemporary and bright place.
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