Ce chalet en bois clair renouvelle l'habitat montagnard
L'habitat montagnard prend un aspect contemporain avec ce chalet en bois clair à l'ameublement sobre. Le design scandinave et les grandes ouvertures sur le paysage donnent un havre de paix minimaliste et accueillant, où l'esthétique est revisitée. Les poutres et le pin sombre ont été abandonnés au profit de lignes épurées, et de bois de bouleau très clair, qui conservera sa teinte au long des années.
This light wood cottage renews the mountain dwelling
The mountain dwelling takes on a contemporary aspect with this light wooden cottage with its sober furniture. The Scandinavian design and the large windows overlooking the landscape provide a minimalist and welcoming haven of peace, where aesthetics are revisited. The beams and dark pine have been replaced by sleek lines and very light birch wood, which will retain its colour over the years.

This light wood cottage renews the mountain dwelling
The mountain dwelling takes on a contemporary aspect with this light wooden cottage with its sober furniture. The Scandinavian design and the large windows overlooking the landscape provide a minimalist and welcoming haven of peace, where aesthetics are revisited. The beams and dark pine have been replaced by sleek lines and very light birch wood, which will retain its colour over the years.
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