Design béton et bois clair dans un petit appartement avec mezzanine
Si cet appartement avec mezzanine (ni tout à fait un studio, ni tout à fait un deux-pièces) est assez petit, sa décoration au design béton et bois clair, et son ouverture sur l'extérieur par une large baie vitrée lui donnent des airs d'un vaste espace. L'ensemble est épuré et assez neutre pour que chaque amateur d'habitat contemporain y trouve son compte.
Concrete and light wood design in a small apartment with mezzanine floor
If this apartment with mezzanine (not quite a studio, nor quite a one-bedroom) is rather small, its decoration with concrete and light wood design, and its opening to the outside by a large bay window give it the air of a vast space. The property is uncluttered and neutral enough for every contemporary home lover to find something to suit them.
35m² + 17 m²

Concrete and light wood design in a small apartment with mezzanine floor
If this apartment with mezzanine (not quite a studio, nor quite a one-bedroom) is rather small, its decoration with concrete and light wood design, and its opening to the outside by a large bay window give it the air of a vast space. The property is uncluttered and neutral enough for every contemporary home lover to find something to suit them.
35m² + 17 m²
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