Habiter dans une maison vitrée et flottante en Laponie suédoise
Les maisons au design vitré et pour certaines flottantes de ce domaine font partie du Arctic Bath Hotel and Spa, un hotel flottant éco-conçu par les architectes Bertil Harstram et Johan Kauppi, situé en Laponie Suédoise et qui vient d’ouvrir ses portes. Si six d'entre elles flottent en été, elles se retrouvent sur la surface gelée du lac en hiver. Des passerelles permettent de se déplacer entre les maisons et le bâtiment central. Ecologique, l'hôtel fait la part belle aux matériaux naturels, éco-responsables et locaux. De grandes baies vitrées, du mobilier scandinaves et un intérieur épuré vous permettront d'apprécier au mieux l'environnement exceptionnel où vous vous trouvez.
Living in a glazed and floating house in Swedish Lapland
The design glazed and for some floating houses on this property are part of the Arctic Bath Hotel and Spa, an eco-friendly floating hotel designed by architects Bertil Harstram and Johan Kauppi, located in Swedish Lapland and which has just opened its doors. If six of them float in summer, they end up on the frozen surface of the lake in winter. Footbridges allow you to move between the houses and the central building. Ecological, the hotel gives pride of place to natural, eco-responsible and local materials. Large bay windows, Scandinavian furniture and a refined interior will allow you to fully appreciate the exceptional environment in which you find yourself.

Living in a glazed and floating house in Swedish Lapland
The design glazed and for some floating houses on this property are part of the Arctic Bath Hotel and Spa, an eco-friendly floating hotel designed by architects Bertil Harstram and Johan Kauppi, located in Swedish Lapland and which has just opened its doors. If six of them float in summer, they end up on the frozen surface of the lake in winter. Footbridges allow you to move between the houses and the central building. Ecological, the hotel gives pride of place to natural, eco-responsible and local materials. Large bay windows, Scandinavian furniture and a refined interior will allow you to fully appreciate the exceptional environment in which you find yourself.
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