En décoration intérieure "green is the new black"
En décoration intérieure, je l'avoue mes goûts me portent plutôt sur le bleu, et les couleurs neutres. Je n'aime pas le rouge par exemple, couleur magnifique, mais que souvent les gens associent au gris ou au blanc, et déclinent à outrance. Le bleu, tout comme le vert est un coloris beaucoup plus facile à utiliser et moins invasif. Ce dernier a fait une poussée indéniable depuis quelques année, s'alliant aux matériaux naturels, au velours comme ici dans cet appartement suédois, où on le retrouve dans les pièces principales, salon et chambre. A n'en pas douter, en design intérieur, "green is the new black" !
In interior decoration, I admit that my tastes are more towards blue and neutral colours. I don't like red, for example, which is a magnificent colour, but which people often associate with grey or white, and which are declining excessively. Blue, like green, is a much easier to use and less invasive colour, the latter has made an undeniable push in recent years, combining with natural materials, velvet as here in this Swedish apartment, where it is found in the main rooms, living room and bedroom. Without a doubt, in interior design, "green is the new black"!

In interior design "green is the new black"
In interior decoration, I admit that my tastes are more towards blue and neutral colours. I don't like red, for example, which is a magnificent colour, but which people often associate with grey or white, and which are declining excessively. Blue, like green, is a much easier to use and less invasive colour, the latter has made an undeniable push in recent years, combining with natural materials, velvet as here in this Swedish apartment, where it is found in the main rooms, living room and bedroom. Without a doubt, in interior design, "green is the new black"!
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