Ce studio de 16m2 est parfaitement aménagé !
Dans les grandes villes, il n'est pas rare de trouver des appartements dans de très petites surfaces. Pour autant, qui ne souhaite pas avoir un appartement même petit parfaitement pensé? C'est le cas ici dans ce studio de seulement 16m², qui possède une vraie cuisine, un vrai lit, certes en hauteur mais accessible avec un escalier confortable, et qui pour beaucoup sera l'endroit rêvé pour s'installer en centre ville.
This 16m² studio is perfectly designed!
In big cities, it is not uncommon to find apartments in very small areas. Nevertheless, who doesn't wish to have an apartment even if it's small and perfectly designed? This is the case here in this studio of only 16m², which has a real kitchen, a real bed, certainly high but accessible with a comfortable staircase, and which for many will be the dream place to settle down in the city center.

This 16m² studio is perfectly designed!
In big cities, it is not uncommon to find apartments in very small areas. Nevertheless, who doesn't wish to have an apartment even if it's small and perfectly designed? This is the case here in this studio of only 16m², which has a real kitchen, a real bed, certainly high but accessible with a comfortable staircase, and which for many will be the dream place to settle down in the city center.
Shop the look !

