La beauté de cet appartement de 47m2 réside dans un unique élément
Un unique élément suffit à faire la beauté de cet appartement de deux-pièces de 47m2 : le mur de briques anciennes, patinées, dont les coloris varient selon la lumière. Dans un immeuble suédois datant de 1903, la mise à nu de ce beau mur se suffit à elle-même, la décoration peut ensuite rester sobre pour lui laisser la vedette.
The beauty of this 47m2 apartment lies in a single element
A single element is enough to make the beauty of this one-bedroom apartment of 47m2: the wall of old bricks, patinated, whose colors vary with the light. In a Swedish building dating back to 1903, the stripping of this beautiful wall is enough in itself, the decoration can then remain sober to leave it the star.
The beauty of this 47m2 apartment lies in a single element
A single element is enough to make the beauty of this one-bedroom apartment of 47m2: the wall of old bricks, patinated, whose colors vary with the light. In a Swedish building dating back to 1903, the stripping of this beautiful wall is enough in itself, the decoration can then remain sober to leave it the star.