Design naturel dans un deux-pièces de 40m2
En ces temps de retour sur soi, il est bon de penser à l'accumulation dans nos maisons. Et c'est sans doute le bon moment pour faire du tri et aller à l'essentiel. Il est difficile de faire plus épuré que dans cet appartement de 40m², au design naturel et reposant. Le lieu idéal pour faire de la méditation, lire, et même cuisiner pour passer de bons moments.
Natural design in a 40m2 one-bedroom apartment
In these times of introspection, it is good to think about the accumulation in our homes. And it's probably a good time to sort it out and get to the basics. It is difficult to do more refined than in this 40m² apartment, with its natural and relaxing design. The ideal place to meditate, read, and even cook for a good time.

Natural design in a 40m2 one-bedroom apartment
In these times of introspection, it is good to think about the accumulation in our homes. And it's probably a good time to sort it out and get to the basics. It is difficult to do more refined than in this 40m² apartment, with its natural and relaxing design. The ideal place to meditate, read, and even cook for a good time.
Shop the look !

