La cuisine de cette maison est le lieu idéal pour se retrouver
En ces temps un peu compliqués, notre intérieur devient un refuge dont la décoration est primordiale pour nous offrir douceur et repos. Cette maison suédoise est un véritable cocon de douceur, idéal pour avoir l'esprit zen, avec une cuisine qui est l'épicentre de la vie familiale. Quel bonheur de se retrouver autour de la table en vieux bois avant que chacun parte s'isoler dans sa propre chambre.
The kitchen of this house is the ideal place to spend some time together.
In these complicated times, our interior becomes a refuge whose decoration is essential to offer us softness and rest. This Swedish house is a real cocoon of softness, ideal to have a Zen spirit, with a kitchen that is the epicentre of family life. What a joy to find oneself around the old wooden table before everyone leaves to isolate himself in his own bedroom.

The kitchen of this house is the ideal place to spend some time together.
In these complicated times, our interior becomes a refuge whose decoration is essential to offer us softness and rest. This Swedish house is a real cocoon of softness, ideal to have a Zen spirit, with a kitchen that is the epicentre of family life. What a joy to find oneself around the old wooden table before everyone leaves to isolate himself in his own bedroom.
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