La décoration naturelle a le vent en poupe chez Lulu & Georgia
C'est sur le site Lulu & Georgia que nous découvrons ces photos de décoration naturelle, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur, qui nous emmènent dans un monde de sérénité, fait de lumière, de couleurs couleurs sobres, de matériaux nobles comme le bois ou le rotin, bref, un monde idéal et zen.
Lulu and Georgia's natural decoration is in the air
It is on Lulu & Georgia website that we discover these pictures of natural decoration, inside and outside, which take us to a world of serenity, made of light, sober colors, noble materials such as wood or rattan, in short, an ideal and zen world.
Lulu and Georgia's natural decoration is in the air
It is on Lulu & Georgia website that we discover these pictures of natural decoration, inside and outside, which take us to a world of serenity, made of light, sober colors, noble materials such as wood or rattan, in short, an ideal and zen world.