Papiers-peints et couleurs dans un appartement à Paris
Près du canal St Martin à Paris, cet appartement vous offre une décoration faite de couleurs, de papiers-peints luxuriants, dans un immeuble du XIXe siècle. Cet intérieur original et soigné dans ce quartier charmant est l'endroit idéal pour découvrir la capitale, et vivre la vie d'un véritable parisien, en vous promenant le long du canal, où évoluent péniches et bateaux de plaisance, n'est-ce pas?
Wallpapers and colours in an apartment in Paris
Close to the St Martin canal in Paris, this apartment offers you a decoration made of colors, luxuriant wallpapers, in a 19th century building. This original and well-kept interior in this charming district is the ideal place to discover the capital, and live the life of a true Parisian, walking along the canal, where barges and pleasure boats move, isn't it?
Wallpapers and colours in an apartment in Paris
Close to the St Martin canal in Paris, this apartment offers you a decoration made of colors, luxuriant wallpapers, in a 19th century building. This original and well-kept interior in this charming district is the ideal place to discover the capital, and live the life of a true Parisian, walking along the canal, where barges and pleasure boats move, isn't it?