Design contemporain dans un appartement suédois ancien
Cet appartement de trois-pièces en Suède marie habilement ses volumes anciens à un design contemporain basé sur l'accord du noir et du bois. Le canapé vient adoucir cette impression sombre avec ses formes arrondies. Et malgré les coloris choisis, il reste lumineux grâce aux grandes fenêtres bien orientées.
Contemporary design in an old Swedish apartment
This two-bedroom apartment in Sweden skillfully combines its old volumes with a contemporary design based on the harmony of black and wood. The sofa softens this dark impression with its rounded shapes. And despite the colours chosen, it remains bright thanks to the large windows which are well oriented.

Contemporary design in an old Swedish apartment
This two-bedroom apartment in Sweden skillfully combines its old volumes with a contemporary design based on the harmony of black and wood. The sofa softens this dark impression with its rounded shapes. And despite the colours chosen, it remains bright thanks to the large windows which are well oriented.
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