La rénovation d'un appartement familial en tons neutres et apaisants
Le studio de design intérieur Punto Suspensivo a abordé la rénovation de cet appartement, propriété de l'illustratrice et designer Elena Queralt, pour l'adapter précisément à sa vie familiale avec deux petites filles. Le résultat est un intérieur serein, aux tons neutres, où les cloisons ont été déplacées pour créer des espaces communes agréables, mais également des lieux où chaque membre de la famille peut s'isoler.
Renovation of a family apartment in neutral and soothing tones
The interior design studio Punto Suspensivo approached the renovation of this apartment, owned by the illustrator and designer Elena Queralt, to adapt it precisely to her family life with two little girls. The result is a serene interior, with neutral tones, where the partitions have been moved to create pleasant common spaces, but also places where each member of the family can isolate themselves.
Source : Micasa
Renovation of a family apartment in neutral and soothing tones
The interior design studio Punto Suspensivo approached the renovation of this apartment, owned by the illustrator and designer Elena Queralt, to adapt it precisely to her family life with two little girls. The result is a serene interior, with neutral tones, where the partitions have been moved to create pleasant common spaces, but also places where each member of the family can isolate themselves.
Source : Micasa