Fenêtres en arche pour un élégant loft en briques
C'est au centre de Londres, près de la Tate Modern, du Shakespeare's Globe Theatre et du London Bridge, que se situe cet élégant loft installé dans une ancienne tannerie construite en 1880. Les fenêtres en arche lui donne une personnalité hors normes, et les briques typiques d'un bâtiment industriel lui confèrent un aspect chaleureux et décontracté. La passerelle par laquelle on y accède sert de balcon, et permet de profiter d'un extérieur rare dans ce type de construction.
Arched windows for an elegant brick loft
In central London, near the Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and London Bridge, this elegant loft is located in a former tannery built in 1880. The arched windows give it an unusual personality, and the bricks typical of an industrial building give it a warm and relaxed look. The walkway that leads to the loft serves as a balcony and allows you to enjoy an outdoor space that is rare in this style of building.

Arched windows for an elegant brick loft
In central London, near the Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and London Bridge, this elegant loft is located in a former tannery built in 1880. The arched windows give it an unusual personality, and the bricks typical of an industrial building give it a warm and relaxed look. The walkway that leads to the loft serves as a balcony and allows you to enjoy an outdoor space that is rare in this style of building.
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