Décoration naturelle près d'un lac en Floride
L'hôtel Inn on the Lakes est situé sur un lac en Floride et a été décoré par BHDM Design dans un style naturel et bohème. Ce parti- pris lui confère une atmosphère sereine propice à la détente. Tout est prévu pour rappeler au visiteur qu'il se trouve ici dans une région ensoleillée où les plantes et les matériaux qui évoquent la Méditerranée ont parfaitement leur place même de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique.
Natural decoration near a lake in Florida
The Inn on the Lakes hotel is located on a lake in Florida and has been decorated by BHDM Design in a natural and bohemian style. This choice gives it a serene atmosphere ideal for relaxation. Everything is planned to remind the visitor that he is here in a sunny region where plants and materials that evoke the Mediterranean have a perfect place even on the other side of the Atlantic.
Natural decoration near a lake in Florida
The Inn on the Lakes hotel is located on a lake in Florida and has been decorated by BHDM Design in a natural and bohemian style. This choice gives it a serene atmosphere ideal for relaxation. Everything is planned to remind the visitor that he is here in a sunny region where plants and materials that evoke the Mediterranean have a perfect place even on the other side of the Atlantic.