Cette cabane design en bois et en miroir de 60m2 est conçue par des architectes
En Uruguay, avec vue sur les vignes, cette cabane design en bois et miroir sans tain de 60m² ne manque pas d'atouts. Sa façade se fond dans le paysage, et le laisse presque vierge. Sur la terrasse une petite piscine ronde vous attend. Cette habitation complète fait partie de l'hôtel Le Sacromonte Landscape, qui allie la sophistication d'un habitat confortable et la nature brute de son environnement de l'est de l'Uruguay. Le lieu est écoresponsable, et intègre la sauvegarde de la nature dans toute sa conception. On y trouve également un jardin potager biologique, des voitures électriques, l'utilisation des énergies renouvelables, et un traitement des eaux usées avec un système écologique. Préfabriquées dans une usine en moins de 10 semaines, les cabanes ont été transportées sur site en une seule journée. Ce sont les architectes de MAPA qui ont réalisé ce projet avec grand talent. Photo : Tali Kimelman et Leonardo Finotti
This 60m2 design cabin in wood and mirror is conceived by architects
In Uruguay, overlooking the vineyards, this 60m² one-way mirror and wooden design hut is not lacking in assets. Its facade blends into the landscape, leaving it almost untouched. On the terrace a small round swimming pool awaits you. This complete dwelling is part of the hotel Le Sacromonte Landscape, which combines the sophistication of comfortable living with the raw nature of its eastern Uruguayan surroundings. The place is eco-friendly, and integrates the preservation of nature in all its design. There is also an organic vegetable garden, electric cars, the use of renewable energy, and wastewater treatment with an ecological system. Prefabricated in a factory in less than 10 weeks, the cabins were transported to the site in a single day. MAPA's architects have carried out this project with great talent. Photo: Tali Kimelman and Leonardo Finotti
Source : Archilovers

This 60m2 design cabin in wood and mirror is conceived by architects
In Uruguay, overlooking the vineyards, this 60m² one-way mirror and wooden design hut is not lacking in assets. Its facade blends into the landscape, leaving it almost untouched. On the terrace a small round swimming pool awaits you. This complete dwelling is part of the hotel Le Sacromonte Landscape, which combines the sophistication of comfortable living with the raw nature of its eastern Uruguayan surroundings. The place is eco-friendly, and integrates the preservation of nature in all its design. There is also an organic vegetable garden, electric cars, the use of renewable energy, and wastewater treatment with an ecological system. Prefabricated in a factory in less than 10 weeks, the cabins were transported to the site in a single day. MAPA's architects have carried out this project with great talent. Photo: Tali Kimelman and Leonardo Finotti
Source : Archilovers
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