Papier-peint exotique pour la rénovation d'une maison loft près des plages
Située près des plages de l'océan Atlantique, cette belle maison a été entièrement rénovée pour lui offrir une seconde jeunesse. Ses coloris actuel, son papier-peint exotique, ses larges espaces ouverts, le mélange de bois et d'acier lui donnent un style loft sans en faire trop, et les beaux éléments comme le piano de cuisson dans la cuisine en font un lieu où on aimerait s'installer.
Renovation of a house near the ocean beaches
Located near the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, this beautiful house has been completely renovated to give it a new lease of life. Its modern colors, its exotic wallpaper, wide open spaces, the mix of wood and steel give it a loft style without overdoing it, and the beautiful elements like the cooking piano in the kitchen make it a place where you would like to settle down.
Source : Espaces Atypiques

Renovation of a house near the ocean beaches
Located near the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, this beautiful house has been completely renovated to give it a new lease of life. Its modern colors, its exotic wallpaper, wide open spaces, the mix of wood and steel give it a loft style without overdoing it, and the beautiful elements like the cooking piano in the kitchen make it a place where you would like to settle down.
Source : Espaces Atypiques
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