Un loft espagnol inspiré par Bali par Sébastien Robert
Lorsque les propriétaires de ce loft de 140m² situé dans un quartier recherché à Barcelone l'ont acquis, ils l'ont destiné à être loué. Mais il avait besoin d'une nouvelle décoration qui mette en valeur ses beaux volumes, son plafond catalan voûté, ses poutres en fonte pour en faire un endroit pas comme les autres. C'est le designer d'intérieur Sébastien Robert dont j'ai eu l'occasion de vous parler plus d'une fois sur le blog, et dont je vous invite à découvrir le site en cliquant sur ce lien, qui a réalisé ce projet, en conservant les espaces ouverts là où ils étaient bienvenus, et en adoptant une décoration ethnique directement inspirée de Bali pour lui donner un caractère unique. Le projet a été une réussite, puisque le loft a été loué en moins d'une semaine à de bienheureux locataires.
Loft in Barcelona inspired by Bali by Sébastien Robert
When the owners of this 140m² loft located in a sought-after area of Barcelona acquired it, they intended to rent it out. But it needed a new decoration that would highlight its beautiful volumes, its vaulted Catalan ceiling, its cast iron beams to make it a place like no other. It is the interior designer Sébastien Robert, about whom I had the opportunity to speak to you more than once on the blog, and whose website I invite you to discover by clicking on this link, who carried out this project, keeping the open spaces where they were welcome, and adopting an ethnic decoration directly inspired by Bali to give it a unique character. The project was a success, as the loft was rented in less than a week to lucky tenants.

Loft in Barcelona inspired by Bali by Sébastien Robert
When the owners of this 140m² loft located in a sought-after area of Barcelona acquired it, they intended to rent it out. But it needed a new decoration that would highlight its beautiful volumes, its vaulted Catalan ceiling, its cast iron beams to make it a place like no other. It is the interior designer Sébastien Robert, about whom I had the opportunity to speak to you more than once on the blog, and whose website I invite you to discover by clicking on this link, who carried out this project, keeping the open spaces where they were welcome, and adopting an ethnic decoration directly inspired by Bali to give it a unique character. The project was a success, as the loft was rented in less than a week to lucky tenants.
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