Une maison blanche à la décoration sereine près de la mer
Cette maison blanche est située près d'Alicante, dans l' endroit idéal pour profiter d'une vue sur la Méditerranée sur la Costa Blanca en Espagne. Tournée vers la mer, son architecture préserve son intimité, et la rénovation menée par l'architecte Joaquín Lloret et de l'architecte d'intérieur Jessica Bataille, a ouvert les espaces, et laisse entrer la lumière à flot. De sa décoration simple il ressort une impression de sérénité absolue, ou le duo ciel et mer a la vedette. Photo : Gonzalo Moreno
White house with a serene decoration near the sea
This white house is located near Alicante, in the ideal place to enjoy a view of the Mediterranean Sea on the Costa Blanca in Spain. Facing the sea, its architecture preserves its intimacy, and the renovation carried out by the architect Joaquín Lloret and the interior designer Jessica Bataille, has opened up the spaces, and lets the light flood in. Its simple decoration gives an impression of absolute serenity, where the sky and sea duo has the limelight. Photo: Gonzalo Moreno
Source : Micasa

White house with a serene decoration near the sea
This white house is located near Alicante, in the ideal place to enjoy a view of the Mediterranean Sea on the Costa Blanca in Spain. Facing the sea, its architecture preserves its intimacy, and the renovation carried out by the architect Joaquín Lloret and the interior designer Jessica Bataille, has opened up the spaces, and lets the light flood in. Its simple decoration gives an impression of absolute serenity, where the sky and sea duo has the limelight. Photo: Gonzalo Moreno
Source : Micasa
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