Une maison neuve à la décoration chaleureuse
Ce n'est pas parce que l'on vient d'emménager dans une maison neuve, qu'on ne souhaite pas qu'elle soit tout de suite accueillante et chaleureuse, dès que l'on a rangé les premiers cartons. C'est pourquoi les propriétaires de cette maison nouvellement construite dans la région d'El Ampurdán en Espagne, un couple avec trois enfants, ont confié leur projet à l'architecte Cristina Casanovas et la décoration à Silvia Rademakers, de leur créer des espaces conviviaux pour leur famille, avec de grandes ouvertures sur la campagne environnante. La base neutre laisse la vedette à la verdure, et mélange influences contemporaines et anciennes pour une parfaite réussite.
New house with a warm decoration
Just because you've just moved into a new house doesn't mean that you don't want it to be immediately welcoming and warm, as soon as you've put away the first boxes. This is why the owners of this newly built house in the region of El Ampurdán in Spain, a couple with three children, entrusted their project to the architect Cristina Casanovas and the decoration to Silvia Rademakers, to create friendly spaces for their family, with large openings onto the surrounding countryside. The neutral base leaves the spotlight on greenery, and mixes contemporary and traditional influences for a perfect success.
New house with a warm decoration
Just because you've just moved into a new house doesn't mean that you don't want it to be immediately welcoming and warm, as soon as you've put away the first boxes. This is why the owners of this newly built house in the region of El Ampurdán in Spain, a couple with three children, entrusted their project to the architect Cristina Casanovas and the decoration to Silvia Rademakers, to create friendly spaces for their family, with large openings onto the surrounding countryside. The neutral base leaves the spotlight on greenery, and mixes contemporary and traditional influences for a perfect success.