Une mini maison de 33m2 en style Nouvelle Angleterre
Située dans la banlieue de Stockholm, près de l'eau et en pleine nature, cette mini maison séduit par son aspect extérieur, directement inspiré de la Nouvelle Angleterre, avec son bardage blanc, ses fenêtres à petit carreaux, et sa large terrasse donnant sur un lac. Sommes-nous à Nantucket ou en Suède? A vous d'en décider !
33m2 mini house in New England style
Located in the suburbs of Stockholm, close to the water and in the middle of nature, this mini house seduces with its exterior appearance, directly inspired by New England, with its white siding, its small-paned windows and its large terrace overlooking a lake. Are we in Nantucket or Sweden? It's up to you!
20 m² + 13 m²

33m2 mini house in New England style
Located in the suburbs of Stockholm, close to the water and in the middle of nature, this mini house seduces with its exterior appearance, directly inspired by New England, with its white siding, its small-paned windows and its large terrace overlooking a lake. Are we in Nantucket or Sweden? It's up to you!
20 m² + 13 m²
Shop the look !

