Cuisine ouverte pour une maison authentique en briques près de Toulouse
Située à 20 minutes de Toulouse, dans un charmant village, cette belle maison typique en briques de la région a été rénovée dans un style contemporain, mariant les éléments anciens à l'acier et au béton. Les volumes ont été ouverts et on y trouve désormais une belle pièce de réception avec cuisine ouverte, ainsi qu'un escalier aérien menant à l'étage, tout cela dans un style à la fois chaleureux grâce aux matériaux naturels, mais également épuré. Cette maison de 222m² avec son grand jardin est présentée par Espaces Atypiques.
Open kitchen for an authentic brick house near Toulouse
Located 20 minutes from Toulouse, in a charming village, this beautiful house, typical brick house of the region, has been renovated in a contemporary style, combining old elements with steel and concrete. The volumes have been opened up and there is now a beautiful reception room with an open kitchen, as well as an airy staircase leading to the first floor, all in a style that is both warm thanks to the natural materials, but also sleek. This 222m² house with its large garden is presented by Espaces Atypiques.
Open kitchen for an authentic brick house near Toulouse
Located 20 minutes from Toulouse, in a charming village, this beautiful house, typical brick house of the region, has been renovated in a contemporary style, combining old elements with steel and concrete. The volumes have been opened up and there is now a beautiful reception room with an open kitchen, as well as an airy staircase leading to the first floor, all in a style that is both warm thanks to the natural materials, but also sleek. This 222m² house with its large garden is presented by Espaces Atypiques.