Une mini maison container de 18m2 habillée de bois et sa terrasse
Cette petite maison container construite sur un module de 20 pieds, la Model One, ne fait que 18m², mais possède l'essentiel pour une vie confortable, si vous recherchez le minimalisme et le design. Le bois est présent partout et réchauffe l'atmosphère malgré des lignes épurées, les grandes surfaces vitrées inondent l'intérieur de lumière, et la terrasse sur le toit est l'endroit idéal pour chiller au soleil dès les premiers beaux jours (et même en hiver dès qu'il fait beau en se couvrant un peu). Et on peut même s'offrir ses plans pour concevoir la sienne en cliquant sur ce lien...
Mini container house of 18m2 covered with wood and its terrace.
This small container house built on a 20-foot module, the Model One, is only 18m², but has all the essentials for a comfortable life, if you are looking for minimalism and design. Wood is present everywhere and warms the atmosphere despite its clean lines, the large glass surfaces flood the interior with light, and the roof terrace is the ideal place to chill out in the sun on the first warm days (and even in winter as soon as the weather is nice by covering up a bit). And you can even get your own plans by clicking on this link...
Mini container house of 18m2 covered with wood and its terrace.
This small container house built on a 20-foot module, the Model One, is only 18m², but has all the essentials for a comfortable life, if you are looking for minimalism and design. Wood is present everywhere and warms the atmosphere despite its clean lines, the large glass surfaces flood the interior with light, and the roof terrace is the ideal place to chill out in the sun on the first warm days (and even in winter as soon as the weather is nice by covering up a bit). And you can even get your own plans by clicking on this link...