Un duplex aux murs de briques sous les toits en Suède
Situé dans un immeuble construit en 1929, cet appartement en duplex est né de la récupération des combles de la bâtisse, une opération qui donne toujours beaucoup de charme à ces lieux où l'on trouve des poutres anciennes, ainsi que des briques patinées. Elles sont mis en valeur par le contraste avec les murs blancs qui font de la charpente apparente un élément graphique et dynamique. La décoration scandinave est celle qui prévaut actuellement, mix de pièces design, de mobilier naturel, de teintes sobres afin de laisser la vedette à l'architecture des lieux.
Duplex with brick walls under the roof in Sweden
Situated in a building dating back to 1929, this duplex flat was born from the recovery of the attic space of the building, a process that still gives a lot of charm to these places where you can find old beams and patinated bricks. They are enhanced by the contrast with the white walls that make the apparent framework a graphic and dynamic element. The Scandinavian decoration is the prevailing one, a mix of design items, natural furniture and sober colours to leave the spotlight on the architecture of the place.

Duplex with brick walls under the roof in Sweden
Situated in a building dating back to 1929, this duplex flat was born from the recovery of the attic space of the building, a process that still gives a lot of charm to these places where you can find old beams and patinated bricks. They are enhanced by the contrast with the white walls that make the apparent framework a graphic and dynamic element. The Scandinavian decoration is the prevailing one, a mix of design items, natural furniture and sober colours to leave the spotlight on the architecture of the place.
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