Décoration contemporaine dans une ancienne église transformée
Common, est une entreprise qui est spécialisée dans le coliving, cette forme de colocation destinée aux actifs urbains, ou bien encore à tous ceux qui désirent ne pas vivre seuls avec un certain niveau de confort et d'autonomie. C'est à Washington D.C. que la firme vient d'ouvrir son quatrième emplacement, une résidence qui s'articule autour d'un espace commun partagé avec des chambres individuelles pour les locataires. Le bâtiment est exceptionnel : une ancienne église de quartier, qui a conservée la plupart de ses caractéristiques d'origine notamment les plafonds voûtés, les vitraux, les poutres en bois et les niches. La décoration contemporaine associe velours et rotin et est pile dans la tendance de ce qu'attendent les locataires de ce type de logement. Photo : Seth Caplan pour Common
Contemporary decoration in a former converted church
Common, is a company that specialises in coliving, a form of colocation designed for the urban active population, or for those who do not wish to live alone with a certain level of comfort and autonomy. It is in Washington D.C. that the firm has just opened its fourth location, a residence based around a shared common space with individual bedrooms for the tenants. The building is exceptional: a former neighbourhood church, which has retained most of its original features including vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, wooden beams and niches. The contemporary decoration combines velvet and rattan and is right in line with the trend of what tenants expect from this type of accommodation. Photo: Seth Caplan for Common

Contemporary decoration in a former converted church
Common, is a company that specialises in coliving, a form of colocation designed for the urban active population, or for those who do not wish to live alone with a certain level of comfort and autonomy. It is in Washington D.C. that the firm has just opened its fourth location, a residence based around a shared common space with individual bedrooms for the tenants. The building is exceptional: a former neighbourhood church, which has retained most of its original features including vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows, wooden beams and niches. The contemporary decoration combines velvet and rattan and is right in line with the trend of what tenants expect from this type of accommodation. Photo: Seth Caplan for Common
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