Design sans froideur
Le reproche qui est fait le plus souvent aux intérieurs design est celui d'une certaine froideur. Pourtant dans ce duplex, le choix d'un mobilier design ne signifie en aucun cas que l'on se trouve dans un univers épuré et glaçant. Les formes sont enveloppantes, comme celle du fauteuil Stingray à bascule, tellement aimé par les propriétaires qu'il figure dans trois des pièces de l'appartement. Personnellement je craque sur la finition Zebrano de ce meuble dessiné par Thomas Pedersen en 2002, et devenu une icône. Les formes choisies ici sont douces, la table basse ETR Eames, les chaises blanches autour de la table appellent la caresse. Les couleurs chaudes achèvent le décor.
Design without coldness
The criticism that is most often done to interior design is that of a certain coldness. However in this duplex apartment, the choice of furniture design does not mean in any way that we are in a sleek and glazing universe. The forms are envelopinglike that of Stingray rocking chair, so loved by the owners that it appears in three rooms of the apartment. Personally I fall in love on Zebrano finish of this furniture designed by Thomas Pedersen in 2002 and became an icon. The forms chosen here are sweet, the Eames ETR coffee table, the white chairs around the table call caress. The warm colors complete the decor.
source : Bjurfors
Design without coldness
The criticism that is most often done to interior design is that of a certain coldness. However in this duplex apartment, the choice of furniture design does not mean in any way that we are in a sleek and glazing universe. The forms are envelopinglike that of Stingray rocking chair, so loved by the owners that it appears in three rooms of the apartment. Personally I fall in love on Zebrano finish of this furniture designed by Thomas Pedersen in 2002 and became an icon. The forms chosen here are sweet, the Eames ETR coffee table, the white chairs around the table call caress. The warm colors complete the decor.
source : Bjurfors