Un appartement particulier
A première vue, cet appartement est tout à fait comme un autre, bien aménagé, avec une décoration scandinave design équilibrée. Mais à y regarder de plus près, on se rend compte que l'on se trouve dans un espace particulier, qui manque de réelles fenêtres sur l'extérieur, le jour entre par des ouvertures en position haute, comme si on avait aménagé un sous-sol...Aussi joli que soit cet appartement, je ne crois pas que j'aimerais y habiter. Et vous?
A special apartment
At first sight, this apartment is quite like an other, well appointed, with balanced Scandinavian design decoration. But on closer inspection, you realize that you are in a special space, lacking real windows on the outside, the day enters by openings in the high position, as if you have layout a basement ... As nice as is this flat, I don't think I would like to live there. And you?
A special apartment
At first sight, this apartment is quite like an other, well appointed, with balanced Scandinavian design decoration. But on closer inspection, you realize that you are in a special space, lacking real windows on the outside, the day enters by openings in the high position, as if you have layout a basement ... As nice as is this flat, I don't think I would like to live there. And you?