Design doux en ville
Si pour vous le mot "design" regroupe un ensemble d'éléments un peu froids (mais beaux), cet appartement à la décoration épurée mais qui arbore un doux coloris rose saura sans doute vous faire changer d'avis. Ce n'est bien entendu pas une couleur pour tous, mais on la voit de plus en plus, et on peut dire sans prendre de grand risque, que c'est un des deux coloris avec le vert qui va nous accompagner tout au long de l'année.
Soft design in town
If for you the word "design" includes a set of elements a little bit cold (but beautiful), this apartment with clean decoration but which presents a soft pink color will probably makes you change your mind. Of course, it's not a colour for everyone, but we see it more and more, and we can safely say, that it is one of the two colours with green that will accompany us throughout the year.
Soft design in town
If for you the word "design" includes a set of elements a little bit cold (but beautiful), this apartment with clean decoration but which presents a soft pink color will probably makes you change your mind. Of course, it's not a colour for everyone, but we see it more and more, and we can safely say, that it is one of the two colours with green that will accompany us throughout the year.