Un appartement suédois dans une ancienne école
Cet appartement suédois en duplex se trouve dans une ancienne école construite au 19e siècle. Cela a permis, grâce à la grande hauteur sous plafond de 3,7m, classique de cette époque de créer deux niveaux en conservant au premier, la partie réception, très spacieuse pour un simple trois-pièces.
Swedish apartment in a former school
This Swedish duplex apartment is located in a former school built in the 19th century. This allowed, thanks to the great ceiling height of 3,7m, classic of this time to create two levels while preserving with the first, the reception part, very spacious for a simple three-bedroom.
79m² + 21m²
Swedish apartment in a former school
This Swedish duplex apartment is located in a former school built in the 19th century. This allowed, thanks to the great ceiling height of 3,7m, classic of this time to create two levels while preserving with the first, the reception part, very spacious for a simple three-bedroom.
79m² + 21m²