Un appartement au design épuré à Majorque
Cet appartement est situé sur l'île de Majorque. La lumière rentre abondement grâce aux portes fenêtres donnant sur une terrasse, et le design épuré est une invitation à profiter de l'essentiel de l'île : soleil, chaleur, plaisirs nautiques. Pas de mobilier superflu, ni de décoration trop envahissante, le repos des yeux et de l'âme est au rendez-vous.
Apartment with a refined design in Mallorca
This apartment is located on the island of Mallorca. The light comes in abundantly thanks to the French windows opening onto a terrace, and the refined design is an invitation to enjoy the essential of the island: sun, warmth, nautical pleasures. No superfluous furniture, no invasive decoration, the rest of the eyes and soul is there.
Source : Fantastic Frank
Apartment with a refined design in Mallorca
This apartment is located on the island of Mallorca. The light comes in abundantly thanks to the French windows opening onto a terrace, and the refined design is an invitation to enjoy the essential of the island: sun, warmth, nautical pleasures. No superfluous furniture, no invasive decoration, the rest of the eyes and soul is there.
Source : Fantastic Frank