Rénovation d'un appartement parisien en bleu
C'est à Cyrielle Benaïm, fondatrice en 2013 du studio BäN Architecture qui s'est vu confier la rénovation totale de cet appartement de 38m² pour un jeune couple. Ce qui était autrefois une colocation pour deux étudiants aux espaces compartimentés, est devenu un lieu aux espaces ouverts au maximum, où la lumière naturelle circule, et où les beaux éléments sont mis en valeur par le contraste entre le blanc et le bleu profond qui sert de thème à tout l'appartement.
Renovation of a Parisian apartment in blue
Cyrielle Benaïm, founder in 2013 of BäN Architecture studio was entrusted with the total renovation of this 38m² apartment for a young couple. What was once a shared apartment for two students with compartmentalized spaces, has become a place with maximum open spaces, where natural light circulates, and where the beautiful elements are highlighted by the contrast between white and deep blue that serves as a theme for the whole apartment.
Renovation of a Parisian apartment in blue
Cyrielle Benaïm, founder in 2013 of BäN Architecture studio was entrusted with the total renovation of this 38m² apartment for a young couple. What was once a shared apartment for two students with compartmentalized spaces, has become a place with maximum open spaces, where natural light circulates, and where the beautiful elements are highlighted by the contrast between white and deep blue that serves as a theme for the whole apartment.