Un appartement en bleu à Kiev
Le bleu est omniprésent dans cet appartement situé à Kiev, en Ukraine. D'un ton vif, il dynamise l'ensemble de l'espace, et est adouci grâce au gris du mur de briques et des tomettes, des choix assumés par le studio de design K-Band, pour lui donner un effet loft industriel lumineux. Photo : Eugene Deshko
Apartment in blue in Kiev
Blue is omnipresent in this apartment located in Kiev, Ukraine. With a bright tone, it revitalizes the entire space, and is softened by the grey of the brick wall and floor tiles, choices made by the K-Band design studio, to give it a bright industrial loft effect. Photo: Eugene Deshko
Apartment in blue in Kiev
Blue is omnipresent in this apartment located in Kiev, Ukraine. With a bright tone, it revitalizes the entire space, and is softened by the grey of the brick wall and floor tiles, choices made by the K-Band design studio, to give it a bright industrial loft effect. Photo: Eugene Deshko