La rénovation d'une grange en Belgique
Entourée de prairies verdoyantes, de bois et de vergers, cette grange est située dans un petit hameau entre Anvers et Bruxelles. La structure était dans un état de délabrement lorsqu'elle a été découverte par une famille de la région, qui a procédé à sa totale rénovation dans un style design et simple. Construite au début du XXe siècle, elle a conservé le charme de la structure et de l'extérieur, avec sa façade classique en briques nichée dans un jardin, intégrant avec intelligence toutes les poutres en bois d'origine, mais en adoptant une décoration contemporaine.
Renovation of a barn in Belgium
Surrounded by green meadows, woods and orchards, this barn is located in a small hamlet between Antwerp and Brussels. The structure was in a state of disrepair when it was discovered by a local family, who carried out a complete renovation in a simple and design style. Built at the beginning of the 20th century, it has retained the charm of its structure and exterior, with its classic brick façade nestled in a garden, intelligently integrating all the original wooden beams, but adopting a contemporary decoration.
Source : Boutique Homes
Renovation of a barn in Belgium
Surrounded by green meadows, woods and orchards, this barn is located in a small hamlet between Antwerp and Brussels. The structure was in a state of disrepair when it was discovered by a local family, who carried out a complete renovation in a simple and design style. Built at the beginning of the 20th century, it has retained the charm of its structure and exterior, with its classic brick façade nestled in a garden, intelligently integrating all the original wooden beams, but adopting a contemporary decoration.
Source : Boutique Homes