Un îlot de cuisine au concept novateur
Si la tendance de la cuisine ouverte est à l'installation d'un îlot permettant d'avoir un plan de travail supplémentaire, celui de cet appartement suédois est intéressant car il renouvelle le concept. Il mixe îlot classique avec un meuble en hauteur, parfait pour dissimuler un peu ce que l'on aime pas voir dans une cuisine ouverte, et permet d'avoir une bibliothèque bien pratique dont la stabilité est assurée grâce à la fixation avec le meuble bas. Une installation à garder en mémoire !
Kitchen island with an innovative concept
If the trend in the open kitchen is to install an island to have an additional work surface, the one in this Swedish apartment is interesting because it renews the concept. It mixes a classic island with a high unit, perfect to hide a little what you don't like to see in an open kitchen, and allows you to have a very practical bookcase whose stability is ensured thanks to the connection with the bottom unit. An installation to keep in memory!
Kitchen island with an innovative concept
If the trend in the open kitchen is to install an island to have an additional work surface, the one in this Swedish apartment is interesting because it renews the concept. It mixes a classic island with a high unit, perfect to hide a little what you don't like to see in an open kitchen, and allows you to have a very practical bookcase whose stability is ensured thanks to the connection with the bottom unit. An installation to keep in memory!