Une extraordinaire fenêtre de toit dans un appartement en duplex
Si l'on doit retenir quelque chose de cet appartement suédois en duplex inversé (les chambres sont au niveau bas), ce n'est sans doute pas sa décoration, classique et neutre. Mais l'extraordinaire fenêtre de toit du salon, une voûte de verre qui permet d'admirer les étoiles dès le soir venu, et qui apporte une luminosité intense par tous les temps.
Extraordinary roof window in a duplex apartment
If we have to remember something about this Swedish apartment in an inverted duplex (the bedrooms are on the low level), it is probably not its decoration, classic and neutral. But the extraordinary roof window of the living room, a glazed vault that allows you to admire the stars from the evening, and that brings an intense luminosity in all weathers.
Extraordinary roof window in a duplex apartment
If we have to remember something about this Swedish apartment in an inverted duplex (the bedrooms are on the low level), it is probably not its decoration, classic and neutral. But the extraordinary roof window of the living room, a glazed vault that allows you to admire the stars from the evening, and that brings an intense luminosity in all weathers.