Un appartement en matériaux recyclés pour un jeune architecte
Dans un immeuble en Argentine dessiné par le studio d'architecture ATV, Tomas, jeune architecte et directeur de Flip Haus, et a choisi d'équiper son appartement avec du mobilier dessiné par lui même et construit avec des matériaux recyclés. Le résultat est un design organique mélangé au style industriel.
Apartment made of recycled materials for a young architect
In a building in Argentina designed by the ATV architecture studio, Tomas, a young architect and director of Flip Haus, has chosen to equip his apartment with furniture designed by himself and built with recycled materials. The result is an organic design mixed with industrial style.
Source : La Nacion
Apartment made of recycled materials for a young architect
In a building in Argentina designed by the ATV architecture studio, Tomas, a young architect and director of Flip Haus, has chosen to equip his apartment with furniture designed by himself and built with recycled materials. The result is an organic design mixed with industrial style.
Source : La Nacion