Design clair obscur en Suède
La palette de couleurs sourdes et la grande luminosité de cet appartement à la décoration design, en font un lieu où alternent le clair et l'obscur, en un parfait équilibre. Le sentiment de cocon est au summum dans la chambre principale, où le velours ajoute sa touche précieuse.
Chiaroscuro design in Sweden
The palette of muted colours and the great luminosity of this apartment with its designer decoration make it a place where light and darkness alternate, in perfect balance. The feeling of cocoon is at its best in the master bedroom, where velvet adds its precious touch.
Chiaroscuro design in Sweden
The palette of muted colours and the great luminosity of this apartment with its designer decoration make it a place where light and darkness alternate, in perfect balance. The feeling of cocoon is at its best in the master bedroom, where velvet adds its precious touch.