Blanc et miroirs pour un appartement à la décoration design
La designer russe Marina Braginskaya , fondatrice de Atelier Interior est intervenue dans cet appartement du centre de Moscou. Le propriétaire qui avait été séduit par les décorations lumineuses qu'elle avait réalisé lui a demandé de refaire entièrement l'appartement qu'il venait d'acquérir. C'est le blanc et les miroirs qui ont été choisis pour mettre en valeur les volumes, avec quelques accents de couleurs ça et là pour ne pas tomber dans le total look.
White and mirrors for an apartment with a design decoration
Russian designer Marina Braginskaya, founder of Atelier Interior, was involved in this apartment in central Moscow. The owner, who had been seduced by her bright decorations, asked her to completely redo the apartment he had just bought. It is white and mirrors that have been chosen to highlight the volumes, with some colour accents here and there to avoid falling into the total look.
Source : AD Russie
White and mirrors for an apartment with a design decoration
Russian designer Marina Braginskaya, founder of Atelier Interior, was involved in this apartment in central Moscow. The owner, who had been seduced by her bright decorations, asked her to completely redo the apartment he had just bought. It is white and mirrors that have been chosen to highlight the volumes, with some colour accents here and there to avoid falling into the total look.
Source : AD Russie