Une maison de vacances rénovée à Arcachon
L'Atelier FB et l'Agence MAD ont pris en charge la rénovation d'une maison à Arcachon, pour des propriétaires parisiens désirant donner une nouvelle vie à cette bâtisse à l'architecture typique d la région. Destinée à être leur maison de vacances, ils la voulaient simple à entretenir, lumineuse, et c'est naturellement qu'ils se sont tournés vers ces professionnels qui s'étaient déjà occupés de leur appartement de Paris.
Renovated holiday home in Arcachon
Atelier FB and Agence MAD have taken charge of the renovation of a house in Arcachon, for Parisian owners wishing to give a new life to this building with the typical architecture of the region. Intended to be their holiday home, they wanted it simple to maintain, bright, and it is naturally that they turned to these professionals who had already taken care of their apartment in Paris.
Renovated holiday home in Arcachon
Atelier FB and Agence MAD have taken charge of the renovation of a house in Arcachon, for Parisian owners wishing to give a new life to this building with the typical architecture of the region. Intended to be their holiday home, they wanted it simple to maintain, bright, and it is naturally that they turned to these professionals who had already taken care of their apartment in Paris.