Charme design et naturel dans un bâtiment néoclassique
En Italie, Pierattelli Architetture a conçu 6 appartements au charme design et naturel, dans un immeuble néoclassique de la ville de Florence, le Palazzo Matteotti,pour en faire une résidence hôtelière. A l'intérieur de chaque appartement on retrouve les couleurs et des matériaux évoquant la nature, et une atmosphère sereine.
Design and natural charm in a neoclassical building
In Italy, Pierattelli Architetture has developed 6 apartments with a design and natural charm, in a neoclassical building in the city of Florence, the Palazzo Matteotti, to make it a hotel residence. Inside each apartment there are colours and materials that evoke nature, and a serene atmosphere.
Design and natural charm in a neoclassical building
In Italy, Pierattelli Architetture has developed 6 apartments with a design and natural charm, in a neoclassical building in the city of Florence, the Palazzo Matteotti, to make it a hotel residence. Inside each apartment there are colours and materials that evoke nature, and a serene atmosphere.