Ce studio ne fait que 19m2 mais son aménagement rationnel le rend très confortable
Même si ce studio suédois ne fait que 19m², il a été pensé avec intelligence. Afin de ne pas avoir l'impression de dormir dans la cuisine, le lit est astucieusement séparé de cette dernière par une cloison, et le couchage peut également servir de canapé si on lui ajoute un joli jeté de lit et quelques coussins. Les rangements, essentiels dans une si petite surface sont assez nombreux pour permettre de ranger le maximum de choses et de ne pas encombrer l'espace.
This studio is only 19m2 but its rational layout makes it very comfortable
Even if this Swedish studio is only 19m², it has been designed with clever thinking. To avoid the impression of sleeping in the kitchen, the bed is ingeniously separated from the kitchen by a partition wall, and the bed can also be used as a sofa if a pretty bedspread and some cushions are added. The storage space, which is essential in such a small area, is large enough to allow the maximum things to be stored and not to clutter up the space.

This studio is only 19m2 but its rational layout makes it very comfortable
Even if this Swedish studio is only 19m², it has been designed with clever thinking. To avoid the impression of sleeping in the kitchen, the bed is ingeniously separated from the kitchen by a partition wall, and the bed can also be used as a sofa if a pretty bedspread and some cushions are added. The storage space, which is essential in such a small area, is large enough to allow the maximum things to be stored and not to clutter up the space.
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