Un escalier astucieux a transformé cet appartement en duplex design
Cet appartement de 49m² à l'origine situé au centre de Madrid a été complètement transformé grâce à un escalier qui, en plus de monter à l'étage qui ajoute 15m², cache une salle de bains et un placard de rangement. Pour apporter une touche de design contemporain et fonctionnel à leur appartement, ses propriétaires ont contacté l'entreprise Imaginean qui a conçu une boîte qui regroupe un escalier et sous lui, une salle de bain et un dressing, en contreplaqué de bouleau au look minimaliste.
A smart staircase has transformed this apartment into a design duplex
This originally 49m² apartment, located in the centre of Madrid, has been completely transformed thanks to a staircase which, in addition to going up to the first floor which adds 15m², hides a bathroom and a storage cupboard. To bring a touch of contemporary and functional design to their apartment, its owners contacted Imaginean, a company that designed a box that includes a staircase and underneath it, a bathroom and a walk-in closet, made of birch plywood with a minimalist look.

A smart staircase has transformed this apartment into a design duplex
This originally 49m² apartment, located in the centre of Madrid, has been completely transformed thanks to a staircase which, in addition to going up to the first floor which adds 15m², hides a bathroom and a storage cupboard. To bring a touch of contemporary and functional design to their apartment, its owners contacted Imaginean, a company that designed a box that includes a staircase and underneath it, a bathroom and a walk-in closet, made of birch plywood with a minimalist look.
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