Un appartement des années 60 rénové couleur béton
Cet appartement de trois pièces construit dans les années 60 en Suède a bénéficié d'une rénovation totale au design contemporain, avec la couleur du béton en vedette, réchauffée par des tons vifs et du bois. Les bâtiments de cette époque, même s'ils manquent d'un certain charme à l'extérieur, proposent de beaux volumes intérieurs qui méritent qu'on s'y intéresse.
1960s apartment renovated in concrete colour
This two bedroom apartment built in the 1960s in Sweden has been completely renovated with a contemporary design, with the colour of concrete in the spotlight, warmed up with bright tones and wood. The buildings of this period, even if they lack a certain charm on the outside, offer beautiful interior volumes that deserve attention.
1960s apartment renovated in concrete colour
This two bedroom apartment built in the 1960s in Sweden has been completely renovated with a contemporary design, with the colour of concrete in the spotlight, warmed up with bright tones and wood. The buildings of this period, even if they lack a certain charm on the outside, offer beautiful interior volumes that deserve attention.