Cet appartement design de 50m2 totalement rénové est celui d'un jeune architecte
Pablo Gómez, un jeune architecte qui a créé Rez, son entreprise, et sa compagne Sara, cherchaient à rénover un vieil appartement pour en faire un lieu à leur image. C'est un espace sombre qu'ils ont déniché et transformé en lieu de vie de 50m², en conservant les vieilles poutres d'origine mais en le modernisant totalement. La décoration est design, simple et confortable, fonctionnelle et soignée dans les moindres détails. Photo : Pablo Sarabia
This design apartment of 50m2 completely renovated is that of a young architect
Pablo Gómez, a young architect who created Rez, his company, and his partner Sara, were looking to renovate an old apartment to make it a place that reflects their image. It is a dark space that they have found and transformed into a 50m² living space, preserving the original old beams but totally modernising it. The decoration is design, simple and comfortable, functional and meticulous in every detail. Photo: Pablo Sarabia
Source : Micasa

This design apartment of 50m2 completely renovated is that of a young architect
Pablo Gómez, a young architect who created Rez, his company, and his partner Sara, were looking to renovate an old apartment to make it a place that reflects their image. It is a dark space that they have found and transformed into a 50m² living space, preserving the original old beams but totally modernising it. The decoration is design, simple and comfortable, functional and meticulous in every detail. Photo: Pablo Sarabia
Source : Micasa
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