Redécorer en bleu un salon et une salle à manger
Najla et Kiril ont cherché leur maison idéale pendant plus d'un an, et l'ont trouvé à La Haye aux Pays-Bas. C'est le designer d'intérieur Frans Uyterlinde qui les a aidé à redécorer le salon et la salle à manger en choisissant un bleu fort qui donne toute sa personnalité à la pièce. Les éléments anciens de ce vieux manoir sont ainsi mis en valeur par le contraste avec le blanc, et le mobilier design sélectionné est en parfaite harmonie avec l'ensemble. Photo : Barbara Kieboom | Styling : Frans Uyterlinde
Redecorate a living room and dining room in blue
Najla and Kiril have been looking for their ideal home for over a year, and found it in The Hague in the Netherlands. Interior designer Frans Uyterlinde helped them redecorate the living room and dining room by choosing a strong blue that gives the room its personality. The traditional elements of this old manor house are highlighted by the contrast with the white, and the selected design furniture is in perfect harmony with the whole. Photo: Barbara Kieboom | Styling | Frans Uyterlinde
Source : VT Wonen

Redecorate a living room and dining room in blue
Najla and Kiril have been looking for their ideal home for over a year, and found it in The Hague in the Netherlands. Interior designer Frans Uyterlinde helped them redecorate the living room and dining room by choosing a strong blue that gives the room its personality. The traditional elements of this old manor house are highlighted by the contrast with the white, and the selected design furniture is in perfect harmony with the whole. Photo: Barbara Kieboom | Styling | Frans Uyterlinde
Source : VT Wonen
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