Cette tiny house de 26m2 a une décoration en tons pastels (et un escalier astucieux)
Cette charmante tiny house aux couleurs pastel de 26m² a fait l'objet d'une vente aux enchères en faveur d'hôpitaux pour enfants aux USA. Ce sont des étudiants en architecture qui ont collaboré avec RE/MAX pour construire "Tiny Home for Tiny Tots", une tiny house équipée de grandes fenêtres et d'un astucieux escalier intégré à la cuisine pour ne perdre aucune place. Un joli projet éthique et dans l'air du temps.
This tiny 26m² house has a pastel decoration (and a clever staircase)
This charming tiny house in pastel colours of 26m² was auctioned off for children's hospitals in the USA. It was architecture students who collaborated with RE/MAX to build "Tiny Home for Tiny Tots", a tiny house with large windows and a clever staircase integrated into the kitchen to save space. A beautiful ethical project and in the spirit of the times.
This tiny 26m² house has a pastel decoration (and a clever staircase)
This charming tiny house in pastel colours of 26m² was auctioned off for children's hospitals in the USA. It was architecture students who collaborated with RE/MAX to build "Tiny Home for Tiny Tots", a tiny house with large windows and a clever staircase integrated into the kitchen to save space. A beautiful ethical project and in the spirit of the times.