Lumières et décoration de Noël dans un appartement atypique
Cet appartement suédois, un duplex atypique de deux-pièces habillé de bois, s'est déjà paré de la décoration de Noël, et de lumières douces pour aider ses occupants à supporter les jours très courts qui sont déjà de mise dans cette partie nord de l'Europe. Quoi de mieux lorsque les nuits sont longues que cette décoration chaleureuse et joyeuse?
Lighting and Christmas decoration in an atypical apartment
This Swedish apartment, an atypical one-bedroom duplex dressed in wood, has already adorned itself with Christmas decoration, and soft lights to help its occupants to withstand the very short days that are already to be found in this northern part of Europe. What could be better when the nights are long than this warm and cheerful decoration?
52m² + 19m²
Lighting and Christmas decoration in an atypical apartment
This Swedish apartment, an atypical one-bedroom duplex dressed in wood, has already adorned itself with Christmas decoration, and soft lights to help its occupants to withstand the very short days that are already to be found in this northern part of Europe. What could be better when the nights are long than this warm and cheerful decoration?
52m² + 19m²