Cet appartement au design noir et blanc est un exemple à copier grâce au papier-peint
Dans cet appartement suédois de 61m², l'équilibre se fait avec un design noir et blanc classique. C'est l'alliance entre les éléments modernes, et vintages et l'audace d'un papier-peint baroque qui le sort d'une neutralité assez banale. Si on souhaite donner de la personnalité à son intérieur, sans en faire trop, cet appartement est un exemple à copier. Un papier-peint bien choisi peut faire toute la différence !
This apartment with its black and white design is an example to copy thanks to the wallpaper
In this Swedish 61m² apartment, the balance is achieved with a classic black and white design. It is the alliance between modern elements, and vintage and the audacity of a baroque wallpaper that brings it out of a rather common neutrality. If you want to give personality to your interior, without overdoing it, this apartment is an example to copy. A well chosen wallpaper can make all the difference!

This apartment with its black and white design is an example to copy thanks to the wallpaper
In this Swedish 61m² apartment, the balance is achieved with a classic black and white design. It is the alliance between modern elements, and vintage and the audacity of a baroque wallpaper that brings it out of a rather common neutrality. If you want to give personality to your interior, without overdoing it, this apartment is an example to copy. A well chosen wallpaper can make all the difference!
Shop the look !

