Quand le design italien rencontre un appartement moscovite
Les propriétaires de cet appartement vivaient dans une maison construite par l'architecte italien Lazzaro Rabini depuis de nombreuses années. Après avoir décidé de déménager au centre de Moscou dans un appartement, ils se sont adressés à lui pour revoir la distribution des zones de cet espace tout en longueur et pourvu de nombreuses fenêtres panoramiques. La vue sur le fleuve Moskova, la cathédrale du Christ Sauveur et le Kremlin, est probablement une des plus belle de la ville . Photo : Sergey Krasiuk . Styliste : Natalia Onufreichuk
When Italian design meets a Moscow apartment
The owners of this apartment had been living in a house built by the Italian architect Lazzaro Rabini for many years. After deciding to move to an apartment in the centre of Moscow, they approached him to review the distribution of the areas of this space, which is very long and has many panoramic windows. The view of the Moskova River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Kremlin, is probably one of the most beautiful in the city. Photo: Sergey Krasiuk . Stylist: Natalia Onufreichuk
Source : AD Russia
When Italian design meets a Moscow apartment
The owners of this apartment had been living in a house built by the Italian architect Lazzaro Rabini for many years. After deciding to move to an apartment in the centre of Moscow, they approached him to review the distribution of the areas of this space, which is very long and has many panoramic windows. The view of the Moskova River, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Kremlin, is probably one of the most beautiful in the city. Photo: Sergey Krasiuk . Stylist: Natalia Onufreichuk
Source : AD Russia